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Year 2 News 2022-2023

Gillmoss Recycling Trip

Year 1 and 2 took a trip to Gillmoss recycling centre. While there the children enjoyed learning about the different materials and how they are recycled. They also enjoyed a lovely tour around the centre and learned what each machine did in the process of recycling. The children had a lovely day and enjoyed all the activities!

For more photos see the Year 2 Class Gallery.


Recycling Art

Recently in Art Year 2 have enjoyed using recycled materials to help us be creative. They used milk bottles to make their own fairy house and castles as well as using paper plates and tin foil to make space portals. They enjoyed using these various materials and made some lovely art with them!

For more photos see the Year 2 Class Gallery.

Puzzle Day

Today, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 took part in puzzle day. There were 5 activities that they took part in which included key press, cup stack, pentominoes, laser maze and orienteering. Throughout the day each group started working better as a team and used this team work to complete each activity.

For more photos see the Year 2 Class Gallery.