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Nursery & Pre-School Class News



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PRE-SCHOOL - Valentine's Day

Our theme this week is Valentines. The children have been counting dots on love hearts and then writing down the numbers they have discovered. We have also been discussing all the things we love and care for and finished off the week by staging a Valentines disco in the hall where we used an upturned umbrella into which we threw balls at in order to practice our throwing. We have also made lots of heart pictures.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - All about Giraffes!

This week in Nursery we focused our learning on Giraffes.

We encouraged the children to take it in turns to lie down on the floor, whilst other children placed laminated pictures of giraffes against them. They then counted the number of giraffe pictures to determine how many giraffes tall they were! We then compared the children against each other in height.

We then listened to the story of 'Giraffes can't dance' and we talked about how the giraffes may have felt about not being able to dance.  Following on from this, they created their own giraffe musical shaker in which they enjoyed making their own music and dancing to it.  The children explored the texture of cereals whilst creating a large giraffe head and neck picture. Finally, we created giraffe patterns using materials and paint.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Dinosaurs Continued!

This week, the children have continued learning all about dinosaurs. They mixed ingredients together to make a mould of a dinosaur egg and watched it carefully in order to make sure it was kept safe at all times! Using balloons, they have made their own dinosaurs in order to race them with each other and made dinosaur footprints using foam feet, comparing them to the size of their own feet!

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - "When Lion feels shy"

This week in Nursery, we have been learning all about lions. The children listened carefully to a story called 'When Lion feels Shy', and we talked about how we felt about the story with the help of pictures. The children created their own lion faces using paper plates and leaves that were collected from our outdoor area.

They also enjoyed using softened spaghetti in order to create a lion's mane. This was achieved by snipping the spaghetti and placing it around a picture of a lion's face.

Finally, the children were encouraged to join an activity involving rolling a dice, counting the dots and feeding the lion with the correct number of pompoms. 

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Chinese New Year

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year.  The children have been busy making snakes, in honour of the Year of the Snake, using simple resources and tools. They have practised moving like snakes, on, over, through and under obstacles in the hall. We have also had a red envelope hunt in the forest area and placed the numbers we found in order. The children have also decorated a Chinese New Year card and written their names inside!

NURSERY - Chinese New Year

This week in Nursery we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We began the week setting up a Chinese restaurant in our home corner using various Chinese themed decorations with pretend Chinese food, crockery and cutlery.

We talked about it being the Year of the Snake with the children creating their own snakes, decorating them using dabber paints.

We discussed how, during Chinese New Year, freshly squeezed orange juice is a traditional drink that is shared. So the children used juicers, jugs and cups to squeeze orange juice and increase their physical skills whilst comparing amounts using mathematical language such as "lots", "more" and "the same".

The children used chopsticks dipped in black paint to make marks on red card to represent their names and finished off the week with cookery.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - "Dino Diner"

This week we have continued learning about dinosaurs. Together, we have learnt all about dinosaur bones and used different pasta shapes to make a dinosaur skeleton.

In the role- play area, the children have set up a "Dino Diner" where they have written menus, and fed herbivore and carnivore dinosaurs with plants and meat.

The children have also been looking at numerals, counting the correct number of dinosaurs onto the pre-cut numbered dinosaurs.

The week was finished off by exploring a migration station where the children had to work together to make routes to rescue dinosaurs from one area to another.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery



NURSERY - Elephant Time!

This week, we have been learning all about elephants.  We have been learning a new elephant rhyme whilst counting and talking about elephant families and what baby elephants are called (calfs!).  We have also been using paint and sand, mixing them together to sponge paint pictures of elephants for our display.  The children had a great time decorating boxes in different colours to represent cages for individual zoo animals, taking inspiration from the book 'Dear Zoo'.

In other news, our Nursery children have been practising taking their shoes off and putting Wellington boots on to stomp on bubble wrap.  We have had lots of fun!

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Dinosaurs Continued!

This week we are continuing our theme of Dinosaurs and the children have been using shapes to create their own. We have made a life sized Brachiosaurus on the school playground using masking tape. The children were amazed how big the dinosaur would have been. We asked Nursery, Preschool, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to lie inside the dinosaur so they could understand how big dinosaurs actually were. However, we needed more children, and had to ask Year 3 to join us!  In total, it took 54 children and 3 adults to fill a Brachiosaurus. We have also been mixing colours to create our own dinosaurs, and we have been on hunt around the school gardens to find dinosaur bones. What a busy week we have had!

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Zoo Time Continued!

This week, the Nursery children continued with their theme on animals, enjoying listening to the story of Dear Zoo, taking it in turn to answer questions.

The children moved across large play equipment and were encouraged to mimic different animals.

During Messy Play, the children had fun printing with bubble wrap to create snakeskin patterns.

Finally, the children engaged in some zoo themed action songs. Then they decorated a large picture of an elephant using sand mixed with grey paint. They had fun using different tools and their hands to investigate the texture. 

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Dinosaurs!

This week we have been learning all about dinosaurs. We have made our own dinosaur laboratory and have discovered new words such as herbivores, carnivores, fossils and paleontologist. The children drew around dinosaurs on a large piece of paper and made shadows using a torch. We discussed which dinosaurs had spikes or tusks etc. We have also used different media to decorate dinosaurs and measured dinosaurs using maths cubes.  We collected snow for the children to explore with their dinosaurs.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery


Welcome back and Happy New Year.

This week we introduced our new topic, The Zoo!.  We read the book 'At the Zoo' and talked about the animals that live there. The children have also enjoyed the snow this week, making marks with their footprints and playing with snowballs.

The children had messy fun mixing sand, cocoa powder and water to make mud. We covered the zoo animals in lots of mud and gave them a bath to clean them.

Using a selection of zoo animals, the children explored the tallest, shortest, biggest and smallest. The children used blocks to build alongside the animals to practise measuring.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - The Story of the Nativity

This week we have introduced the story of the Nativity to the children. We changed our role play area into a stable with materials for the children to dress up in and take on the role of different characters.

The children have created a place mat ready for their Christmas party. They have decorated 3 different sized baubles with different patterns using paint. Using irregular shapes, the children have made characters from the Nativity. 

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery


NURSERY - Christmas Activities!

This week, we have started our Christmas activities! The children have made our home corner lovely and festive by decorating a tree and hanging other Christmasy items on the walls.

The children have created place mats in preparation for the upcoming Christmas party as well as practising the Nativity play on the stage in the hall.

They have also been exploring different materials whilst playing with a sensory Father Christmas during Messy Play and practising making marks to represent writing inside Christmas cards which they have then posted in our festive post box. 

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Stay & Play Nursery Rhyme Week

This week we have been celebrating 'Nursey Rhyme Week'.  We have been singing:

Five Elephants went out to play

12345 Once I caught a fish alive

Five Little men in a flying saucer

Five Currant Buns

Five Brown Teddies

As you can see, we have been working on the number 5, what it looks like, how many this is and attempting to write the number 5.

It has been lovely to see so many parents able to attend our Stay & Play sessions. Don't worry if you haven't made this time, we will be having other sessions in the Spring.

The children have also been learning about road safety and finishing off some special Christmas activities.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Stay & Play Week

This week, we have focused on counting while joining in with number rhymes. It has been a pleasure to see so many parents participating in our Stay and Play sessions.

The children began the week by singing 'Five in the Bed'. They used a cot and five dolls as imaginative props while joining in with the rhyme.

Next, the children enjoyed singing 'Five Little Ducks'. They had fun playing a 'Hook a Duck' game and practised taking turns with their friends.

The children had messy fun while singing 'Five Currant Buns'. They mixed shaving foam in bowls using spoons and then scooped the mixture into cake tins. The children decorated their currant buns using red pompoms to symbolise cherries!

Finally, the children took turns being 'Five Little Speckled Frogs' and had lots of fun jumping off small wooden logs. The children were encouraged to count how many frogs were left.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Three Little Pigs

This week, we read the story about the Three Little Pigs and then used the props in our tuff spot to act out the story. We have also been making special items for Christmas as well as building our own houses out of bricks and straw in the Forest School area. The children have also enjoyed writing their names and learning about first, second and third.

What a busy week!

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - The Colours Blue & Yellow

This week the children in Nursery have been concentrating on the colours blue and yellow.  During maths, they have been rolling the dice, counting the spots and putting the same amount of yellow ducks on to the lily pad.  We have listened carefully to the story 'Out of the Blue' whilst talking about our emotions.  In messy play the children have explored shaving foam together with blue and yellow paint and looked at what colour they make once mixed together. Furthermore, the children have thoroughly enjoyed using blue or yellow frames to look through and search the indoor and outdoor environment for the same coloured items.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Diwali the Hindu Festival of Light

This week Pre-School have been learning about Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light. The children have manipulated clay to make a diva lamp, adding paint, sequins and glitter to their lamps. They have also created their own henna patterns on pre-cut hand shapes using scissors cut along straight lines to make a Diwali lantern.

During outdoor learning, the children made fireworks using conkers and tissue paper. They had lots of fun throwing them into the sky and watching them fall. They also used some of the natural resources we found to build a bonfire and talked about how to keep safe and well during Bonfire Night.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Colourful World!

They have also created their own henna patterns on pre-cut hand shapes using scissors cut along straight lines to make a Diwali lantern.

This week the nursery children have been introduced to the topic of colours.  We have talked about bonfire night, how to keep safe and the colours we might see.  They have enjoyed building their own bonfire, using planks of wood and logs from the outdoor area and created their own firework pictures.  During maths, the children explored using different coloured pom poms and compare bears, sorting them into groups of colours and then counting them. 

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Being in touch with our Emotions

This week we have been looking at how it feels to be scared and angry.  The children have helped to set up a Doctors surgery as it can be scary when you have an appointment at the Doctors. The children have been practising scissor control skills when making an emotion monster. We have also talked about how it is OK to feel angry and scared, and looking at ways to make us feel calm such as a mindfulness walk in nature.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Our Emotions

This week we have continued to focus on our emotions and by supporting the children to take turns by playing a variety of games.

We encouraged the children to participate in  a group parachute game which involved the children waiting for their name to be called for their turn to run underneath.

We played a 'Kerplunk' style game involving a variety of resources and the children in taking their turn.

We had messy fun using spaghetti paint and children's scissors to create a face.

Finally we enjoyed singing Nursery rhymes by taking turns to select a singing spoon from a pass the parcel style game.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Our Emotions

This week we have been continuing to discuss our emotions particularly looking  at being happy or sad. The children made puppets with a happy face and a sad face on opposite sides.  We have been playing instruments to happy and sad music and making happy and sad emotion bottles. The children have also enjoyed playing with the parachute and shaking it along to different music.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Our Nursery Week

This week, the children have been encouraged to express and discuss their emotions. They enjoyed listening to the story, "Sometimes I Feel Sunny." We talked about the various feelings mentioned in the book, and the children were encouraged to share how they were feeling.

We had great fun exploring natural materials inside a discovery box, where the children were encouraged to create different faces using the materials, such as a smiley face, a sad face, or a surprised face.

The children had a messy yet enjoyable time drawing different faces in shaving foam. They explored the foam using their fingers and a variety of mark-making tools.

Finally, the children joined in with the song, "If You're Happy and You Know It." They played a circle game using a feely bag and picture cards showing different emotions. The children had fun picking a card out of the bag and trying to make a face to match the picture card.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - European Day of Languages

We started the week celebrating European Day of Languages. Along with the Nursery children, the Pre-School children were given a tee-shirt to decorate with facts about the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. They painted flags and built landmarks on the tee-shirt which was displayed at the school assembly.

We have continued to learn about emotions, happy and sad, with the children using musical instruments to shake along in time to happy and sad music. Deciding on which emotion bottle to make, yellow or blue, the Pre-School children then decorated them with yellow or blue materials.

The children finished their week off with a parachute game, where together they moved the parachute along to fast and slow music. 

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Another Busy Week!

In Nursery this week, we participated in the school's 'European Languages day by joining in with Pre-school to decorate a tee -shirt that represents the United Kingdom.

We then continued our week by thinking about what we can do and achieve.  

The children were encouraged to eat independently whilst learning to use a knife and fork.

They were also supported to climb the reception steps whilst singing 'Hickory Dickory Dock'.

The children enjoyed making large mark making moves using various tools such as brushes and rollers on large sheets of paper.

Finally, using our trikes outdoors, the practitioners encouraged the children to take turns sitting on them and moving them along with their feet or the pedals.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - "The Way I Feel"

This week, the children have been learning all about their emotions. We have been listening to the story "The way I feel" and discussing each emotion and talking about what might make us feel the way we do. The children used loose parts to make different faces such as happy, sad or angry face. We walked around the school and asked staff how they felt, tallying the results on a simple feeling chart. We have also been sorting different coloured pom poms into emotion bottles and using simple tools to make cards for our friends to make them happy.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Our Homes

This week in Nursery we have been talking about our homes. The children have enjoyed sharing the book 'Peace At Last'  and have been thinking about the different rooms inside the house in the story and the rooms that we have in our own homes. The children have also been creating houses using junk modelling and then painting them. After the houses were dry we cut flaps to make a door and the children displayed their family pictures inside. These will be mounted on the wall for them to access whenever they choose. In addition to this, the children have been mixing sand and shaving foam to create cement and have built some structures using weetabix as bricks. Finally, we have been joining in with singing 'When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears' focussing on the different items she found in the bears' home.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - Our Families

This week we have continued focusing on 'Our Families'.  The  children  enjoyed listening to the Owl Babies story  and played with the owl props. We talked about how the owls were feeling sad and worried but that Mummy/Daddy always comes back.

Using some everyday objects from our home corner, the children engaged in simple discussion about what the items were and which members of our family might use them.

We had messy fun by exploring  porridge oats dyed red and displayed in the shape of a heart. The children enjoyed hunting for family photographs hidden in the oats. The children were encouraged to talk about their families and the people they love.

Finally we have been singing lots of Nursery rhymes about families, such as 'The wheels on the bus' and 'Mummy finger, Daddy finger'.  

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Families

This week has been enjoyable as we have focused on discussing our families. The children have delighted in sharing stories about their siblings, parents, and pets with the practitioners. Together, we collaborated on drawing our families on a large sheet of paper. Additionally, we practised our cutting skills using scissors to trim paper. We have explored various ways to navigate the soft play area.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

PRE-SCHOOL - Settling In

This week the children have been continuing to settle into Preschool and get use to all our daily routines. The children have been tracing or writing their name, subitising or counting up to three and moving to music. The children have also enjoyed looking in a mirror and painting their portrait for our display.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery

NURSERY - "It's Good to be Me"

We begin our new term by settling the children into Nursery and focusing on our new theme 'it's good to be me'.

The children have been creating pictures of their faces using a variety of materials.

During messy fun, we have enjoyed drawing our faces in shaving foam and becoming familiar with our names using our name cards.

Finally, we have been encouraging the children to join in with familiar action songs and rhymes.

For more photos see the Nursery and Preschool Gallery